1 flag, 3 colours, 6 countries
Have you ever seen this super creative and simple ad of Norwegian Airlines? It’s so amazing how hidden gems are revealed in this visual.
I was really excited with this week’s scratch-off card e-learning challenge. Scratch-off effect has an element of surprise while you’re keeping a coin in your hand you’re wondering what’s going be under the scratch-off area.
I immediately matched the ad seen the other day with my project idea for the challenge.
As I currently live in the UK, my first choice of flag was Union Jack. I was able to find 5 more flags hidden in the mix of red, white and blue. The most sentimental one was white-red flag of Poland as it’s the country I come from. Polska!
It was quite easy to build the project in Storyline 2 as actually I needed only 3 core elements for the interaction to work perfectly:
two states for the coin (normal and drag over)
four states for silver scratch areas (normal, and 3 more states representing in-progress revealed areas every time a coin is hovered over – I used Photoshop for creating states graphics)
five layers, each showing a hidden flag of: Poland, The Netherlands, France, Indonesia and Monaco.

Every time a coin was dragged over a sliver area a variable was executed (+1). When the variable got to 4 a layer with a flag was shown and a scratch-off area was hidden. Here's link to download original Storyline file.
(click the image to launch interaction)
How do you like the idea? Or anyone of you can find any more hidden flags? Give me a shout what you think and as always: stay creative!